What Side Should You Wear a Brooch?
Originally brooches were invented to hold clothes together or make it fit. From that point forward individuals have discovered different ways to wear brooches. In every time, you will find an different trendy in vogue approach to wear pins.He the manners in which we decided to join brooches into our outfit are continually developing.

Traditionally, in formal settings a brooch should only ever be worn over the left breast, to the viewer this would be a right brooch. The origins of this historic rule are slightly hazy, however most researchers agree that it stems from practicality. Back in the Roman times, togas were predominantly worn over the left shoulder. Although the tying and draping method that was used was relatively secure, pins could be used to confirm this- better safe than sorry! This practical use continued as time went on, until eventually historians suggest it is likely that brooches became a decorative piece in their own right.

But why do we uphold this tradition in our modern, toga-less times? Well, brooches may not possess such a practical use as they used to, but it can still be beneficial to wear them on the left. Think about greeting someone. The right hand is traditionally used for a handshake, and the eye is automatically drawn to the left side of the other person’s body, so where better to show off your brooch? Additionally, wearing a brooch on the left ensures that when you shake hands, the bulkier jewels are out of harm’s way if you were to get a little more personal and give a kiss on the cheek.